
Nextdoor Encourages You to Share with Your Neighbors Throughout the Month of April

Written by ndmulti

Spring is in the air, and the annual celebration of Earth Day on April 22 provides a timely reminder to take care of the beautiful planet we all call home. At Nextdoor, we believe that connecting with our neighbors in even the simplest ways, from getting to know first names to sharing a ladder, will help build stronger and safer communities.

During the month of April, Nextdoor will be celebrating all the ways neighbors can easily give back to their communities and support the mission of Earth Day by simply connecting and sharing with each other.

We are excited to release the findings from a recent survey conducted with Harris Interactive that examines the growing role of neighborhoods in building a shared economy. The results are inspiring; they indicate that neighbors trust their neighbors, are willing to share with people who live nearby, and would share more frequently if they had an easier way to coordinate activities such as yard sales or carpools.

Here are a few highlights from the survey findings:

  • Top 10 things people are willing to share with neighbors: food (78%), tools (71%), yard equipment (64%), a bike (36%), clothing (26%), shelter (26%), electronics (24%), kid’s toys (24%), childcare/babysitters (24%), a vehicle (15%).
  • Reduce and reuse: 64% of Americans would be more likely to buy/sell an item if the buyer/seller lived close to their home.
  • Garage sales: 52% of Americans would be more likely to host a garage sale in spring if they had an easy way to get the word out to their neighbors.
  • Ride-share: 51% of Americans would engage in carpools with neighbors if they had an easy way to coordinate.
  • Save money: 50% of Americans would work together with their neighbors to save money (e.g., group discounts on home services, split child care costs, shared meals) if they had a way to coordinate it.

This month, we are encouraging everyone to connect with their neighbors on Nextdoor to start sharing, whether it’s to sell an item, share household goods like clothing or yard equipment, or work together to save money.

We can all make a positive impact in our communities and on our environment, from the little things, like sharing a cup of sugar with a neighbor, to larger efforts, like starting a carpool or building a community garden.

To keep the conversation going all year long, start a Nextdoor website for your neighborhood. To join the conversation online, use the hashtag #neighborshare. You’ll be amazed by all the great things that happen when neighbors start talking and sharing!

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