Announcements Pets of Nextdoor

Celebrating National Pet Day with America’s Favorite Pet Names

Written by ndmulti

In honor of National Pet Day on April 11, we’re celebrating some of our favorite neighbors on the block: our pets!

And we’re not the only ones – Nextdoor members love their pets just as much as we do. After all, pets are neighbors, too! Our members have told us that they’ve used Nextdoor for everything from finding a lost pet, to starting pet walking groups, and even banding together to turn a vacant lot into a dog park.

In honor of our furry friends, we decided to take a look at America’s favorite pet names from across the country, from aggregate data provided by Nextdoor members in their profiles.

The three most popular dog and cat names are identical: Bella, Lucy, and Max, in that order.
Did your pet’s name make the list? As it turns out, Bella is a popular name for all pets in the Pacific Northwest, while it’s the reigning champ for dog names across the country. We were particularly tickled by Ferdinand, which is the number one moniker for frogs in the United States.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the three most popular dog and cat names are identical: Bella, Lucy, and Max, in that order. In fact, Lucy is most widely-shared name among all animals – besides dogs and cats, Lucy is shared by fish, horses, rabbits, guinea pigs, lizards, turtles, tortoises, snakes, hamsters, rats, ferrets, goats, parakeets, birds, pigs, tarantulas, and donkeys.

From all of us at Nextdoor – we hope you and your furry friends have a wonderful National Pets Day!

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We’re pet lovers at Nextdoor – a lot of the pets in our marketing materials are owned by employees. Riley, pictured above, is owned by Danielle on our Communications Team.

Interested in learning about the most popular pet names in your area? Contact us.

Methodology: Graph based on 2015 aggregate, anonymous data from Nextdoor members who included pet information in their profile settings across more than 56,000 Nextdoor neighborhoods.

1 Comment

  • Excellent article, thank you. I enjoy reading these types of posts. After all, I have a pet too. Its name is maxi. I named him that because he was so fat. 🙂

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