To find out how you can best prepare for emergencies, visit Research shows that connected communities are the most resilient in the face of disaster. To join your Nextdoor neighborhood and connect with your community, visit and enter your email and home address.
Meteorologists have been predicting a stronger-than normal El Nino season for months, with many reports stating that this will be the largest in a half century or more. As a result, now more than ever is the time to connect with your neighbors and prepare.
Discussions on Nextdoor regarding hurricanes as Erika approached, and eventually hit Florida as a tropical storm. Larger dots indicate a greater volume of conversations.
Inclement weather in recent months has shown just how powerful storms can be, and the devastating impact they can have on neighborhoods across the United States. Neighbors in Florida, for example, took to Nextdoor across the state as Hurricane Erika approached, discussing how to best prepare, what to expect, and emergency procedures should the hurricane hit.
Hurricane Erika eventually lost strength as it reached Florida, resulting in a tropical storm that caused minimal damage. However, it’s incredible to see how neighbors reacted – they immediately took to Nextdoor to stay connected, communicate, and prepare as a community rather than individuals.
Research shows that 67% of neighbors feel safer in their communities when they know their neighbors, and Nextdoor can be the first step for these communities to feel safer, whether it’s for hurricanes or simply building neighborhood watch.
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