Neighbor stories

Nextdoor Highlights the Most Neighborly Posts of 2015

Written by Team Nextdoor

Nextdoor, the free and private social network for more than 86,000 neighborhoods across the United States is happy to present the most neighborly posts of 2015. Nextdoor’s mission is to make neighborhoods stronger and safer. That’s why it’s so satisfying to hear from members who are using Nextdoor to connect with neighbors and build community.

The most neighborly posts of 2015 each:

  1. Meet a high standard for generating neighborhood conversation, with at least 500 total thanks and more than 100 replies.
  2. Demonstrate a strong sense of neighborliness, defined as being helpful, friendly, or kind. 

Read the stories about the posts below, and thanks to all the people who are building community every day on Nextdoor!

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Carl gets a new winter jacket from his neighbors to help protect him from the elements.

Daniela Rallies a Neighborhood to Help Carl

After seeing him many times and eventually stopping to say hello, Daniela befriended a local homeless man in her Pacific Heights/Russian Hill neighborhood in San Francisco. Daniela decided to help by using Nextdoor to share Carl’s story and gather support. After generating a huge response, she organized a local fundraiser where neighbors came together to provide real solutions for one of their own. Today, Carl has access to expense accounts at local businesses subsidized by his neighbors, where he can get food and other essential items.

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Picture from Amy Howes of her neighborhood.

Amy Howes Asks for One Positive Week

Amy Howes decided she wanted to generate some positivity with her neighbors in the Lake Royale neighborhood in Louisburg, North Carolina. She posted a piece of positive news and asked others to chime in. What followed was a flood of stories and gratitude from more than one hundred neighbors. Some had become new grandparents, others had just spent quality time with friends, while others were grateful for the beauty of their local lake. With one small post Amy helped build a stronger sense of community in her neighborhood.

Tricia Owens Post-circle
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Tricia gave out care packages to the homeless at the off-ramp near her neighborhood, inspiring her community to do the same.

One Act of Kindness Multiplies to Many Others

It all started when Tricia Owen decided to do something for the homeless people near the freeway onramp in the Southwest Valley Glen neighborhood in Van Nuys, California. She shared a care package with a homeless man because “it made me smile to do it and made him smile to get it.” When she shared this idea with the neighborhood on Nextdoor, it created a massive response as neighbors shared tips on the best items to give, and encouraged each other to help. Ultimately, dozens of neighbors promised to follow Tricia’s lead and provide similar assistance.

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Chantale with her dog, Maggie, who was perturbed by Christmas decorations.

Chantale Reaches Out to Her Pet-Loving Neighbors

Chantale Hansen shared a picture of her dog, Maggie, barking at a neighborhood Santa display and asked neighbors to share similar photos. What ensued was an outpouring of love for neighborhood pets in Chantale’s Burbank neighborhood in San Jose, California. The post eventually generated 221 enthusiastic replies with pet pictures.

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Amir, the author of the now-infamous cheese post on Nextdoor.


It’s All About the Cheese in San Francisco

Amir from Duboce Triangle in San Francisco, California posted a playful offer to give away some extra shredded cheese to his neighbors. Over the next few days neighbors responded with over 100 replies full of puns, jokes, and friendly neighborhood banter. One neighbor summed it up by sharing: “I am fon due to you all.”



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