If you and your kiddos are as big of fans of Halloween as we are here at Nextdoor, you’re probably chomping at the bit to hit the streets and start your candy hunt. But before you get going, we have a few safety tips to ensure your Halloween night is fun and not frightful.
Teaming up with our agency partners from across the country, we have compiled a list of the most important safety tips for you to remember on Halloween night:
- Dress like a ghoul or goblin, but stay safe. Make sure costumes and candy bags or pails are reflective. Costumes shouldn’t drag too far on the ground to avoid tripping, and masks, hats, and shoes should be well-fitting.
- Props should be just that: props. Swords, knives, staffs, and wands should be soft and flexible to avoid injury.
- Use well-marked routes to get to the candy. Always use the sidewalk, and do not cut across yards or use alleys. Wherever possible, cross the road at a crosswalk.
- Trick-or-treat with trusted neighbors. Use the Nextdoor Treat Map to plan your route ahead of time and find the safest, most efficient route to the candy.
- When in doubt, throw the candy out. Avoid candy that has loose wrappings, is completely unwrapped, has puncture holes, or is homemade and not factory-wrapped. Small children should not be allowed hard candy, which could be a choking hazard.
Special thanks to Aurora, IL Police Department, Miami-Dade, FL Police Department, Metro Nashville, TN Police Department, Miami, FL Police Department, and the Summit, NJ Police Department for these tips on Halloween safety.
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