While neighbors in nearly 75% of U.S. neighborhoods now rely on Nextdoor to solve problems in their daily lives, we know we can make the experience on Nextdoor even more rich and useful. One way we think we can do this is through partnerships with local businesses, news and media outlets, schools, religious institutions, and many other entities that make our local communities great.
That is why today, we are excited to share that Ali Jafari has joined Nextdoor as Vice President of Business Development.
Ali is an experienced professional with decades of consumer internet experience. He was most recently the Vice President of Partnerships at Twitter where he oversaw all Content Partnerships for the company. Prior to Twitter, Ali was the head of Marketing for Shutterfly, where he oversaw all Internet Marketing, and also held various operational roles at Ask.com and Excite@Home. Ali holds a BA in Economics from Stanford University.
At Nextdoor Ali will bring tremendous experience and energy to our critical partnership objectives, whether related to revenue, distribution, or content. We are thrilled to welcome Ali Jafari to the neighborhood!
P.S.: If you’re part of an organization that is interested in partnering with Nextdoor, please send Ali an email at bizdev@nextdoor.com.
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