It’s that time of year: when Girl Scouts are out in droves, selling their infamous cookies to raise money for their local troops, whether it’s a troop trip to a new, inspiring place or an opportunity to attend Girl Scout camp in the great outdoors.
In fact, this weekend is National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend, celebrating Girl Scouts, their delicious cookies, and successful sales for over one hundred years. So we set out to ask neighbors across the United States to answer the age-old question: which Girl Scout cookie is your favorite?
Not surprisingly, cookie consumers across the country are opinionated when it comes to their favorite. If you answered Thin Mints, then you’re in luck. More than one-third of neighbors (38%) voted for Thin Mints as their favorite cookie, putting the mint chocolate treat in the top spot this year:
America’s Most Popular Girl Scout Cookies:
1. Thin Mints
2. Samoas/Caramel deLites
3. Tagalongs/Peanut Butter Patties
4. Do-Si-Dos/Peanut Butter Sandwich
5. Trefoils/Shortbread
This year, Girl Scout troops have been going high-tech to sell their famous treats, using Nextdoor to let neighbors know they’re selling the cookies. While Girl Scouts must make the final sale of cookies in person, they’re welcome to be innovative in the ways they let the community know that cookies are available – including posting on Nextdoor.
In fact, a troop from northeast Indianapolis has learned that a combo of apps can help them reach their goal – a whopping 450 boxes each. If they meet it, they’ll have raised enough money to visit Savannah, GA, the birthplace of the Girl Scouts – so they’re pulling out all the stops to get there. The troop and their parents turned Nextdoor as a safe and quick way to help spread the word and find out which neighbors are interested in buying, so they know which doors to knock on with cookies in hand. It’s also proving to be a great way for cookie consumers to find the nearest Girl Scout in their neighborhood selling boxes.
From all of us at Nextdoor, cheers to the Girl Scouts – and their cookies!
Survey Methodology: Survey conducted by Nextdoor, the private social network for neighborhoods, between January 24-27, 2017. Over 6,500 responses were collected from neighbors in 89 cities across the U.S.
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