Neighbor stories

Good Neighbor Spotlight: Alexandra Ferrer, Barcelona

Written by Joana Barderi

At Nextdoor, we’re all about building stronger, safer, and happier places to call home, and a vital part of this mission is protecting the environments where we live. Every day, we see neighbors come together to find more sustainable solutions, clean up pollution and promote healthier environments across the globe. From Stefan who has been hosting park cleanups in Stockholm to Lucille who organizes clothing swaps with her neighbors in Paris, Nextdoor members all over the world are making huge strides to becoming more sustainable.

In a quiet corner of the bustling Eixample district in Barcelona is the Sagrat Cor neighborhood, which is far enough outside the city to have beautiful, green parks where families gather, but close enough to the heart of the city so neighbors can walk to the local coffee shop on a sunny afternoon. Lately, neighbors have been coming together to ensure that their community thrives for generations to come, and it’s all thanks to Alexandra Ferrer.

Alexandra has devoted her life to empowering those around her to become more eco-friendly. She promotes on Nextdoor, and in the streets of her local area, the importance of using less plastic, creating less waste and cleaning up pollution so everyone can enjoy all of earth’s outdoor spaces.  

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One way Alexandra has inspired others to become more sustainable is by bringing reusable dishes when buying takeout. At her local bakery, Alexandra is proudly known as “the Tupperware girl” because she brings a dish from home whenever she picks up her morning croissants. She encourages all of her neighbors to do the same by posting sustainable tips and tricks.

Alexandra is also conscious about carbon emissions and tries to carpool whenever she can. Whenever Alexandra has travel coming up, she posts about her upcoming trip on Nextdoor to see if anyone would like to carpool in the same direction. She also organizes talks in her local community whenever she can to encourage and educate her neighbors about new ways they can be more environmentally friendly.

In addition to promoting a more sustainable lifestyle, Alexandra organizes a number of cleanups in her community and throughout Barcelona. Together with her neighbors, they’ve cleaned up the local streets, beaches, rivers and mountains. She also organizes trips to local markets to swap and recycle goods, which is both a great way to help the environment and bond with the community.

Alexandra has been an inspiration for everyone in her neighborhood. Because of her efforts, the community recognizes the need to take care of the environment, and neighbors are quickly joining her efforts by posting on Nextdoor to share leftover food so it doesn’t go to waste or planning bike trips to the movies instead of driving. Alexandra and her neighbors are proof that when neighbors come together to make a difference locally, it creates a global impact. Imagine what the world would be like if we all took care of our neighborhoods.

Have you and your neighbors found any helpful ways to promote sustainability in your community? If you’ve got eco-friendly tips and tricks, share in the comments below!


  • Many blessings to Alexandra in Barcelona for setting a wonderful example for the rest of the World. I am in Marin, we are working on zero waste, I did not see it in Alexandra’s article (I did see a photo of fruits, etc,) it is really important to also go Vegan (organic is best) not only is it the healthiest but also it is really good for our planet’s environment, and the most humane lifestyle approach. Look for a very dynamic Marin Earth Day Festival at its 50th Anniversary in 2020. Join us if you would like to contribute to this event, we need resources, programs, demonstrator and speakers. Contact Marin Artists International Network at #Calling All Earth Angels

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