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The historic neighborhood of Midway Hollow in Dallas, TX is bringing a little more charm to its streets with the help of Nextdoor.
The City of Dallas has long promoted its street sign topper program, which allows neighborhoods to design custom street sign toppers to be installed by the city. However, it’s up to the neighborhood to raise the funds for the project, which can be a daunting feat with a $100 installation fee per sign.
Adam Saxton, a Midway Hollow neighbor, was not going to let the cost deter him – he believed in the value of sign toppers.
“Neighborhood sign toppers can be so beneficial,” Adam said. “Not only do they help foster a sense of community and promote neighborhood branding, but they increase security and make neighborhoods more desirable.”
Adam posted a poll to Nextdoor asking his fellow neighbors whether they’d be interested in a sign topper project, and within days received an overwhelming ‘Yes!’ with over 110 neighbors approving the project.
With the neighborhood behind him, Adam faced the next big challenge: raising the funds. He posted to Nextdoor once again, rallying his neighbors to donate towards the $6,000 goal and linking them to the community’s fundraising page. Within just one weekend, the neighborhood raised over $6,000, thanks to the donations of 85 neighbors.
Due to the tremendous generosity of the neighborhood, the city was able to install 64 sign toppers across the neighborhood, both on the main streets and on the smaller internal streets.
“The city said this was the quickest fundraising and installation process to date, and I can only attribute that to Nextdoor and Indy GoGo. Both made the fundraising experience seamless,” Adam said.
Do you have a story about how you have used Nextdoor in your neighborhood? Let us know.
Anyone know what company designed/manufactured the signs?
If We have a Topper, it should read:
“Preston Hollow North”
I am in favor of the signs.
Several years ago, my neighborhood’s neighborhood association, which collects a small amount of dues from the member residences for a variety of purposes, had signs installed by the City of Dallas. (Most neighborhoods in East Dallas have them.) I will try to find out who manufactured ours and what they cost our association. Will report back here.