The Nextdoor Candy Gram initiative was inspired by the valentines of our youth, where friends send Valentine’s Day cards and candy to classmates around the school. We decided to update the process, opening up an order form for Nextdoor employees to order a candy gram for a coworker, with an optional message attached.
The goal? To raise money for V-Day, a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls. Each candy gram cost $3, and all proceeds of the initiative went straight to V-Day.
We were excited to release the form across the company – and were blown away by the results. Within days, more than 160 candy grams were ordered by employees across our headquarters. Several individuals ordered more than one candy gram, or placed an order for their entire team. Some included signed notes, while others were anonymous inside jokes and memories. They all brought smiles to people’s faces on Tuesday.
We’re proud to have raised more than $500 for V-Day and support ending violence against women and girls everywhere. From all of us at Nextdoor, happy belated Valentine’s Day!
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