Anthony Wooten, a member of the Jacksonville, FL community, has been homeless and living on the streets for more than ten years. To make matters more difficult, Wooten has had serious health complications throughout his life, which resulted in getting both of his legs amputated. He is also unable to work because of his health complications.
However, after hearing about his story, a man generously offered Wooten one of his rental homes to stay in. Now that he has a roof over his head, Wooten began looking for other household items such as a bed, towels, and clothing.
According to First Coast News, Salli Solow, another Jacksonville neighbor, saw Wooten sitting in front of a restaurant and knew she needed to help him. Besides offering to buy him a meal from the restaurant, Solow sparked up a conversation with him, in which she learned that he had a place to stay, but was sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag. That’s when Solow turned to Nextdoor to rally her neighbors to help their struggling community member.
Solow posted on Nextdoor asking neighbors if anyone had a bed they’d be willing to donate. Dozens of neighbors responded wanting to help. In addition to beds, neighbors offered up everything from tables, silverware, TVs, and clothes! In fact, a bed was already delivered to Wooten earlier this week.
He told First Coast News that, thanks to his community, what he thought was the end of his life is now just the beginning.
I think that is so sweet. God bless him.