
Nextdoor’s policies and actions on hate and terror groups

Written by Team Nextdoor

Updated on May 4, 2021: 

We’ve updated our hate and terror group policy to clarify some of the hate-related symbols that are prohibited for use on Nextdoor. This includes, but is not limited to, hate-related images, language, symbols, acronyms, and abbreviations. Examples of hate-related symbols banned by Nextdoor include swastikas, the Othala rune, the blood drop cross, the Confederate flag, hangman’s noose, and Q.

Originally published on January 15, 2021:

As always, we are reviewing and taking action on content and members that violate either the Community Guidelines and/or Member Agreement, including advocacy or support of violence, hate and/or the spread of misinformation. Given recent events, we believe heightened vigilance and proactive communication is important.

There is no place on Nextdoor for hate or terror groups. A hate group is an organization that has beliefs or practices that attack or malign a class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics or identity, including race, religion, disability, medical condition, housing status, age, sexual orientation, national origin, immigration status, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity. Terror groups are domestic and international organizations that use violence and terror to further their ideological goals. 

Nextdoor prohibits content and groups displaying support for hate and terror groups or their underlying ideologies. When designating hate and terror groups, Nextdoor may reference lists compiled by organizations such as the U.S. State Department, Southern Poverty Law Center, and the Anti-Defamation League which include the American Nazi Party, Boogaloo, Proud Boys, QAnon, and Al Qaeda, among others. 

If you believe that you’ve identified such content on Nextdoor, please follow these steps to report the content; to report a member who violates this guideline, please follow these steps; to report a group, please follow these steps. In addition to member reporting, Nextdoor’s Neighborhood Operations Team also uses a combination of technology to identify and remove content that violates these rules.

Earlier this week, we provided additional clarity around content moderation and enforcing Nextdoor’s guidelines in Groups to remove any ambiguity in light of last week’s violent events in Washington D.C. We  are closely monitoring activities both on and off of Nextdoor, and will introduce additional measures as needed.

Thank you for all you do to ensure conversations on Nextdoor are healthy and productive, creating a welcoming neighborhood for all.  

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